
Laravel Folder Structure View | Part - 3

Main Folders and files:

app folder
-Console folder
-Events Folder
-Exception folder
-Listeners folder
-Policies folder
-Providers folder

(beginner mostly used for 'HTTP')
-'Controller'->'Controller class'
-'Middleware' (Middleware which is security)


-'Kernel.php' - a little bit more advanced is where you register your security classes for Middleware.

-'routes.php' - routes are PHP where we create our NMC for something already. '/' which means basically root directory. So Basically in this 'rotes.php' file, we control our routs for applications. we gonna go to admin/users we create a functionality here that will redirect users to that specific URL. So basically we have a constructor URL application.

config folder
-'app.php' - this is where we register the other classes that we want to use from another provider. If we want to use a package a plugin right this way becomes register that class. This is where you register your plug into packages. Example password plugin that we found somewhere on another website our git hub or something. we register that package. (this is where we come in register class so that we can actually order that package.)

-'database.php' - 'database.php' is database connection to database right here. this returning an array. this has function pulling information from somewhere else. 'env()' function goes to our .env file right here and pulls out information from here. because this is a security measure that allows the alarm bell you now implements. '.env' the file we have to pull your database information here your database name, username, and password. default laravel we have 'homestead' as s database name and username. you have to change the database name for your database name and then the username would be the same and password as 'secret' by default.

-'mail.php' - This is the main file there. set up our mail alright configurations.

database folder
-factories - factories are classes that we can use laravel to create content. (user's information, polls information)

-migrations - migrations are basically a functionality laravel that we can use to execute and create tables with columns. So We're going to be executing our own command that will allow us to create tables in the database so that we don't have to go to the database and create it. We can do it from here. pretty simple stuff. pretty cool. out of the box we have two migrations. we've already got users' table and password features here. So once we execute command is going to create is two tables in our database all we have to do is create a database. that's the only thing that we have to do.

-seeds - we create a lot of content for a web site or application.

public folder - we gonna have a CSS, javascript folder that will be available to the public or images folder and files.

resources folder
-asset - This is where we have our asset we can keep SASS basically uncompiled that to see assess I'll show.

-view - View still is out markups. This is what you're going to be seen what we're going to be accessing or markup for application. So if you have polls folder with polls dist the HTML files in there our contact page anything that has to do with the HTML markup. Anything that the public will see or anything you are a user in your application we see we're being views. alright, anything related to the HTML. This folder with 'welcome.blade.php'
-error - we have 503 pages here. we can create a 404 page.

storage Folder
- framework

tests Folder

vendor folder - this is where the package will be installed. would be located. when you install the package in laravel there will be right here out of the box. It has here in the vendor you have all those classes. So by default, you have a lot of dependencies. you don't need to concern yourself with this because this will be added automatically when we do certain commands in our application.

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